Tuesday 2 March 2010

Photography and the changing city

At the risk of sounding like a photography geek, hasn't the light in London been magical over the past two days? Crisp, clear blue skies and low winter -almost spring (hooray) - sun casting long, lean dramatic shadows. Perfect photography weather. I keep mumbling "the light, look at the light" at friends who agree, slightly bemused. I'm turning into a poncey twit. Although the very realisation that I sound like a poncey twit means I'm not one, surely. 

So I've been bombing round on my bike which I resurrected from the cellar yesterday (after accidentally deflating the tyres when I meant to inflate them at the local garage-doh). I biked over to Battersea Power Station which I'd never photographed before. Quite unbelievable when I live fifteen minutes away.

And of course the key to photographing anything, cities in particular, is to get to know your subject. Get out there with your camera and have an adventure. I've found that people often want to talk to you when you're taking pictures with an SLR. They're nearly always friendly, interesting and interested (apart from an angry shopkeeper in Brixton market the other month but she was an exception). So it's also a great way to interact with fellow London dwellers and we all know how tricky that can be in this city. I met Duncan from the Association of Photographers near the power station. He gave me tips on the best views and nearby bridges to shoot (cheers Duncan!).

Which brings me to the point of this blog. Four brilliant photographers talked through some of their London projects last night at the British Library. These guys have photographed the establishment (Mark Power had exclusive access to the building of the Millennium Dome and rebuilding of the treasury), the historical (Mike Seaborne captures an ever-changing London as senior curator of photos at the Museum of London), the overlooked  (Rut Blees Luxemburg's tower blocks and motorways have graced album covers - Hackney high rise "Towering Inferno" above was the cover of the Streets' debut Original Pirate Material), and the personal (Paul Halliday, leader of a photography MA in Goldsmiths, spent twenty years capturing memories of a poetic London, like this one below).

It was Halliday who advocated walking round London, quoting photographer Christopher Tilley "Walking is a process of appropriation of the topographical system, just as speaking is an appropriation of language." In other words, it's natural. But rather than wander round randomly taking pictures - like me - Halliday advises focusing on a particular aspect eg urban life, architecture, found objects to keep you engaged. Devising your own projects is key.

I absolutely love German photographer Rut Blees Luxemburg's work. Photographing mainly at night, she uses a large format camera on very long exposures (ten to fifteen minutes) which she says results in unpredictable colouring. She's inspired by literature and poetry which shows in her raw yet brutally beautiful pictures.

About the above shot of the Westway which graced Bloc Party album A Weekend in the City she said "The motorway is an emblem of modernity which we find difficult to come to terms with. So there's a tension between leisure and transport here."

Magnum photographer Mark Power is often very conceptual in his architectural work which I like. Again, he uses similar techniques to Rut which he said, sometimes made it difficult to photograph people because of long exposures (Rut never photographs people).

While Mike Seaborne made a good point when he said to teach yourself to think laterally. Everybody carries a camera today so it's about ideas. "Ideas present themselves all the time," he said. "It's just recognising them." You can view Mike's pictures taken from the top of a double-decker bus here.

And finally...'well I never' fact of the evening goes to Paul Halliday who told us that while it's not illegal to take pictures in public spaces, you do have to be mindful of bylaws. A tripod is thought of as a tent in the Royal Parks and can't be used. 


  1. Absolutely wonderful. Makes me want to get out there and start creating photos, even with my bottom-of-the-range Canon. There's beauty in the urban sprawl.....

  2. There most certainly is. Check out William Eggleston's work online for inspiration on how to take pictures of subjects which might otherwise be considered dull. You can find beauty in everything if you look hard enough.
