Monday 19 October 2009

Free Art Fair

Art has never had my heart beating faster before (maybe I haven't come across the right art?) but yesterday it happened as I waited for the third and last ever Free Art Fair to be given away at the Barbican. Along with about 500 people-of all ages and a few different demographics-the thought I might soon own one of 50 specially commissioned artworks if my name was called had me buzzing. This must be how collectors feel as they decide if they'll bid another few thousand.

Sadly my name wasn't read out but it was fun watching the reactions of those that were (from some who punched the air with excitement to others who looked like someone had just crushed their foot with a stiletto. Honestly, some people need to lighten up).

It was a mixed bag of affairs from the more traditional huge oil on canvas paintings (like Jasper Joffe's below, accompanied by chairs)

to installations with marmalade jars (and hopefully nothing else) by Bob & Roberta Smith emploring us to 'Free Bob's Sperm'.

and blank sheets of paper signed by artist Peter Harris (yes really…touched by famous artists like Jeff Koons, apparently).

If I'd won, I would have picked Kong, a graffiti painting by James Jessop. He marries graffiti with fine art painting techniques using 1980s references I like (King Kong) which create really vibrant, action packed paintings.

The organiser Jasper Joffe looked rather frazzled, so big shout out to him for spreading the free art love on a Sunday afternoon. It seems this is the last free art fair, in London at least, because it was such a mammoth effort persuading artists and everyone else to give their time for free.

It's no accident that the fair took place in the same week as Frieze Art Fair, Pavilion of Art & Design and all the rest. Joffe started it as an alternative to the often cliquey, commercial art market. "I liked the idea of giving away art in an institutional or public space, so that someone can walk into a place you normally expect just to look or listen to something and go home with a piece of art," says Joffe. So for the past three years the fair has exhibited art for a week and then given it all away at the end.

Teachers, nurses, lawyers, students and a homeless person have all won art in the past (although the latter had nowhere to hang it so sold it to someone else in the queue).

Free Art Fair is an exciting and admirable concept. I do hope it continues elsewhere. Now I just need to find more art to make my heart beat faster. All ideas welcome.

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